FAQ --- Q: Can I use this with vanilla serializers as well as ``ModelSerializer``? A: Sure. You'll need include the request in the context, to provide access on the querystring: .. code-block:: python MySerializer(obj, context={'request': request}) Q: The name ``fields`` conflicts with some other functionality in my API (e.g. `django-filter `_). Can I change it to something else? A: Yep. Override a couple of attributes on the class, and then Python's `MRO `_ will take care of the rest. For example: .. code-block:: python class MyModelSerializer(QueryFieldsMixin, ModelSerializer): include_arg_name = 'include' exclude_arg_name = 'exclude' delimiter = '|' Now request like ``GET /things/?exclude=key2|key3`` instead of the default ``GET /things/?fields!=key2,key3``. *New in v1.1.0*: The Django settings module may also be used, for example: .. code-block:: python # in settings.py DRF_QUERYFIELDS_INCLUDE_ARG_NAME = 'gimme' DRF_QUERYFIELDS_EXCLUDE_ARG_NAME = 'omit' DRF_QUERYFIELDS_DELIMITER = '+' Q: This thing broke, you suck... / Hey, wouldn't it be cool if... A: Well, that's not really a question, pal. For feature requests or bug reports, please `create an issue here `_.